This was probably the best time I had on stage! Everything was so perfect! A great venue, a good crowd and a magnificent are looking at pictures from 'Live at Heritage Institute Auditorium'!!
The song list was mixture of some classics and other utterly worthless compositions:
- Coming Back to Life - Pink Floyd
- Bandeh - Indian Ocean
- Mama I'm Coming Home - Ozzy
- Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
- Aadat - Jal
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Greenday
- Raatri - Original
- Icche Dana - Lakkhichhara
I'm particularly not too proud about the last song, but sometimes you have to do stuff just for the crowd.
The ocassion was the Heritage Institute Freshers Party and I was the guest guitarist because apparently there is no bassist in the entire college!! But most people say that this isn't true and that I was invited because I'm a good friend of the college band members. Well, I'm still not convinced...not all colleges are as rich in musical talent as Xavier's!!
Our lead guitarist - Utsav.
And thats me...the Blazing Bassist!!
When the ambience is good you dont have to concentrate on playing, you start enjoying the whole performance. That's the good thing about this auditorium, its a cool place to perform at. The crowd was very annoying at times though, requesting Iron Maiden, Fossils, Megadeth, Hindi film songs and one guy even had the guts to request Bombay Rockers. That is sickening!! On the whole I had a good time. By the way I was a bit high during the performance on a couple of Crocins and a fever of 102 degrees!! Thats why I look pale and always in the same pose!!

dude why did u not tell me/ give me free tickets ????
Sorry dude, it was a freshers outsiders allowed. Rest assured, you will be invited to my next concert (wait for the next blue moon!).
At Park street Barista
On 20th
3:30 PM
be there
nice...better than ur usual posts...u look very doped out in the last photo tho...
lol!!...yes i was high on fever!!
hey!! I thought you weren't doing this! But cool! You rock as a bassist, and well, you're pretty awesome with lead as well!
hey UI...i have a fusion instrumental thingy at Umang on wed16 1 o' clock.
So now u cant say i didnt invite ya!
nice pics.
correction : icche dana is by poroshpathor not lakkichara
yeah well whatever...lakkhichhara or poroshpathar... its all the same substandard music to
wow... if you can pull off a song without even knowing it, which i think was the case of the parashpathar/lakkhichhara/whatwasit song... you should be seriously good!
from the post it seems like you played with a band not your own. i'm not much into bands but the name utsav sounds kinda familiar... guy plays in jack rabbit? what about your own band?
ooooh! JackRabbit is THAT famous? well, i was a founder member of jackrabbit but left it quite some time back...they have really grown as a band...i miss playing with them. Utsav is my childhood buddy!! Brilliant guitarist! As for me...i can just about manage to play the bass and the guitar. I have no band to call my own (sob, sniffle)...actually i'm quite lazy..cant put up with regular practices and all that, so i just play very ocassionally.
Insignificant Existence!
hey, am back after a long time!lost the link to your blog..anyways i have heard of jackrabbit too, cant remember where or why but i have heard of 'em.and thats saying a lot considering i am the last to know about music!nice to see you flunked an honours paper, am planning to do the same!
i guess jack rabbit has become THAT famous (whatever that means) after winning the boom-bass-stick competition and the evening at someplace else, but i had heard of them before that. i happen to know a couple of guys from the band, that's how. though not utsav. so... given that you're a founder member, i believe you were from dbpc too, batch of '04?
Jackrabbit night at SPE was amazing! They had a great songlist which merged completely with the charm of SPE. I'm from the '03 batch of dbpc and so is utsav. You probably know inam and Sayatya, they are from '04.
probably :)
who is coming to our fest to play?dont tell me it's kunal ganjawala puhleese!
well...yes the ganja-seller is coming but for Beyond Barriers (its a money minting endeavour by the alumni, you hafta BUY a ticket for 150 bucks to enter...we normally choose to boycott the event)...unofficially, Xavotsav will be a sad affair this year due to a lot of technical and beauracratic reasons, so dont expect much. I have officially washed my hands off everything and am blissfully leading the life of a recluse!
yes...well, it's so lovely to hear u bitch about that ganja-seller...oops, I guess that was only analysis, not bitching.....
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