.I just finished reading the Hobbit for the second time. It gave me courage to face the ex
ams like Bilbo faced Smaug (wearing his ring ofcourse!). It just might work: keep a low profile, write absolute rubbish in a very neat and confident handwriting, keep your eyes open for treasure and who knows maybe I’ll manage a first class.
The Hobbit is such a plain and simple book and written so wonderfully, it should be made compulsory in every junior school curriculum. No twists in the story, just adventure, chivalry, wit, magic the works. Don’t you just love fantasy stories…the wizards and elves and dwarves and of course the dark Lord. No philosophy, no pseudo-intellectualism, no illogical metaphors and big theories about what is right and wrong. Just good old good versus evil stuff with loads of adventure and magic. They should ban all other genres. Just pure fantasy…
Wonder where all the hobbits went, and for that matter the dwarves, the elves and the wizards. There is only the race of Men around. Booooring! I would love to meet an elf-girl (Liv Tyler was so perfect for the role of Arwen). They are the perfect combination of intelligence and beauty. Where do you find them nowadays? Drat! Born in the wrong millennia…
The Absolutist’s Guide to the Universe.Mirrors : Pieces of polysilicates capable of reflecting photons off its surface. Very popular among the female kind of the dominant species on earth who consider mirrors to have magical properties and often ask them questions about their beauty. The men folk also find mirrors enigmatic because they cannot guess what the mirrors have that they don’t have. There has also been a theory which states that mirrors are part of a conspiracy by a certain political party based in the binary star system of Drakionis Beta to take over the world. The mirrors are allegedly so programmed that people looking into it get very different perspective of what they look like. Since most humans are obsessed with the way they look, this would create a lot of confusion and seizing this opportunity the political party of Drakionis Beta would take over the world without anyone noticing.
fantastic :)
ahh the hobbit!
a legendary book that one!
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