Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Greetings, Carbon Based Bipeds!

Signs of Life – Track 1 – Division Bell album – Pink Floyd. Inspirational and all that. Picked up the guitar after I heard the album in the 12th standard. Always listen to it for motivation. That’s about all about that.

See any resemblance?
I have a bad reputation : all my conversations at some point of time either touches upon or entirely digresses to some aspect of music. Some are thoroughly annoyed by it! What about you?
Study leave periods are excellent breeding grounds for new blogs. This will be the second one that I know of. Less than a week left for the exams…where do I stand?…hmm : In a particularly high and narrow shelf of rock on the mountainside with deep gorges on either side. It is not a frightfully uninteresting place though. There are a lot of things to keep you occupied – like the fear of falling into the shadows. But sometimes it gets quite boring, especially after dark and when the clouds block the spectacular view below. The Sunsets are amazing though and so are the thunderstorms. It’s a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live here. Waiting for the Lord of the Eagles to carry me away to yonder lands. Meanwhile I have digital flip-flops occupying me. What a wannabe name for a circuit! Anyway I wont go into names…it reminds me of ‘schlurnissen’.
Why a new blog you ask? Two reasons: One, the flow is better when you write nonsense and two, people tend to say things online which they would never utter face to face, the interaction is at a much deeper level. Why a blog at all? Well, I’m not good at conversations (you all know that too well don’t you!) but a shade better at writing, hence the blog. The other reasons I shall address later.
Oh!…and I love questions. So ask as many as you can.
But wait…who am I addressing this to? Who is the ‘you’ here? Strange…I assume that I’ll get answers when no one knows about the blog yet! It’s a queer world isn’t it?
If you want the answer to Life, Universe and Everything...its 42!

The Absolutist's Guide to the Universe

College - Despite the theories of some subversives who state that college is a place to further one's education, it is well known that college is a place to have fun, to have parties, and to have sex. This can be done, of course, in different combinations. Usually, college is used by beings in late adolescents called "students" and beings in late middle age called "faculty". In general, it is the so-called faculty who make such subversive theories as mentioned above and the so-called students who are having all the fun, Parties and sex.


Blogger Subhrajyoti Mukhopadhyay said...

hmm ! nice ! ..
collg is cool place :D

Wed Sep 21, 04:24:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

I love your takes on the universe :-)

Wed Sep 21, 07:21:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Sat Feb 20, 05:50:00 PM 2010  

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